Here is Schedule of Specialist Doctors in Seribu Islands RSUD
Reported by Suparni | Translated by Nugroho Adibrata
Gynecologist and obstetric specialist will be scheduled every Monday to Wednesday and children specialist every day and diabetes specialist every Tuesday
Schedule for specialist doctors at the Seribu Islands General Hospital (RSUD) is now set. There are six specialties that currently beginning to practice.
"Gynecologist and obstetric specialist will be scheduled every Monday to Wednesday and children specialist every day and diabetes specialist every Tuesday," expressed Ma'mun Zaini, Head of Seribu Islands RSUD, Tuesday (1/7).
36 General & Specialist Doctors Spread Standby in Seribu IslandsAccording to Zaini, especially for three other specialists such as internal disease, eyes and hyperbaric for patients with trauma of dives, do not have a fixed schedule. The service is still conducted via call by nurse and come once a month.
"We urge sub-district puskesmas to refer patients, especially gynecologist and obstetric. Fuel costs for patient transport by ambulance will be covered, because our ambulance boat is still being repaired," he told.
As for the information, besides them, the hospital also has six doctors, two doctors at UGD and one doctor at poly teeth.